
Did you know that the preponderance number of students on campus at TRU are international students? According to stats, 16% of the students on campus are international with the top three being Indians (33%), Chinese (30%), and Nigerians (3%).  Each semester, TRU welcomes around 3000 International students from 89 countries which ultimately creates a multicultural community on campus. It is a valuable community because it shows how integration between cultures can create a dynamic and a safe environment for everyone.

This community has made itself available for everyone whether interested or not interested to help and support in any way possible. The leaders have created a platform were each person has something to do or engage in activities offered within the community-which in this case, the campus. Activities such as, the Back to School Barbeque, Orientation, The International Students Orientation, Club’s day, Movie night, and many more gives the students a chance to blend in with students from different cultures and share stories. Hence, there’s no room for loneliness and no room for hardship because everyone within the community is ready to care and help wherever needed. With that being said this brings us to our experiences during our first visit:


Thompson Rivers University is truly a home away from home. As an international student, I was worried that I would have trouble trying to fit in in a new country. My worries were soon proven to be vague when I met these amazing people at the International Orientation, who are now my best friends. The thing that I like the most about TRU is that there is diversity present on campus and you never feel left out. There is always something to do on campus or someone to talk to and it is constantly helping me to shape myself into the person that I aspire to be one day.

With regards to great TRU experience visit, I came across many international students who were friendly, easy to approach and at same time helped new students to feel safe and created a sense of being home. Moreover, it was satisfying to see that the faculty members devoted their times in making sure that we had our questions answered by them because from what I have heard about Universities, faculty members usually are busy to meet with new students on the first day of school but to my surprise the TRU staff and faculty always seem to make time for the students and do their best to clear the students doubts.

Annually, the university introduces a festival called I-Days which celebrates diversity on campus.  This five-day event is not just a festival, but it also helps the students explore and experience new cultures while simultaneously enjoying your own.  I-Days is when the students get to fully immerse into a certain culture and understand their roots and celebrate these traditions.

In today’s world, having diversity is important as it helps you to grow as an individual. The fact that TRU is a place with multiculturalism, makes it a place to be.